赵愈亮 副教授
教育背景/经历 Education:
2014.09-2018.06 华南理工大学大学 博士生
2011.09-2014.06 湘潭大学 硕士生
2007.09-2011.06 湘潭大学 本科生
工作经历 Work Experience:
2024.08-至今 东莞理工学院 副教授
2018.06-2024.08 东莞理工学院 讲师
2016.11-2017.10 英国赫尔大学 访问学者 (国家留学基金委资助)
2022.02-2023.01 西班牙国家冶金研究中心 访问学者 (国家留学基金委资助)
科研情况 Scientific:
主要从事高性能铝合金材料的凝固、加工、成形、性能及表征方面研究,其中包括同步辐射X射线和中子散射等国家大科学装置的相关研究。主持国家自然科学基金1项,获得省自然科学基金2项,市厅级项目1项。获得中国有色金属工业科学技术奖二等奖,2023年科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”(前1%),东莞理工学院优秀研究生导师。目前在JMST, MSEA, Scripta, MC, JAC, JMRT等国内外知名SCI期刊以第一/通讯作者发表论文30余篇,授权国家发明专利两项。
担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、广东省自然科学基金评审专家,教育部学位中心硕士论文通讯评议专家。担任《Journal of Central South University》《Resource, Environment and Suatainability》《Progress in Natural Science: Materials International》《稀有金属》《中国有色冶金》和《材料研究与应用》期刊的青年编委。担任JMST, MSEA, MD, MC和JAC等30余家国内外知名SCI期刊的审稿人。
1. H. Liu, Y.L. Zhao*, Q.Y. Wei, W.X. He, D.F. Song, Z.Z. Sun, Y.N. Fu, F. Xiao, D. Shu, Tailoring thermal conductivity and microstructure of Al–Fe alloys by addition of Sc2O3 and variable cooling rates, J. Mater. Res. Technol. 32 (2024) 2547-2562. (SCI一区, IF: 6.2, 通讯作者)
2. Q.Y. Wei, Y.L. Zhao*, H. Liu, W.X. He, M.M. Wang, Z.Z. Sun, Effect of heat treatment on the deformation behavior of an Al–Cu alloy studied by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 914 (2024) 147138. (SCI一区TOP, IF: 6.1, 通讯作者)
3. Y.L. Zhao*, W.X. He, F.Y. Zhao, C.H. Song, W.W. Zhang, D.F. Song, Y. Tang, Z.Z. Sun, W. Yin, Y.L. Xue, R.X. Li, R. Fernández, Insight into the Fe-rich phases strengthening mechanisms of non-heat-treatable Al-Mg-Mn-Fe-Cu alloys, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 205 (2025) 232-246 (SCI一区TOP, IF: 11.2)
4. Y.L. Zhao *, W.X. He, J. Medina, D.F. Song, Z.Z. Sun, Y.L. Xue, G. González-Doncel, R. Fernández, Contribution of the Fe-rich phase particles to the high temperature mechanical behaviour of an Al-Cu-Fe alloy, J. Alloy. Compd. 973 (2024) 172866 (SCI二区TOP, IF: 6.2)
5. W.X. He, Y.L. Zhao*, Q.Y. Wei, H. Liu, D.F. Song, Z.Z. Sun, Effect of cooling rates and Fe contents on microstructure evolution of Al-Cu-Mn-Mg-Fe-Si alloys, Mater. Character. 214 (2024) 114074 (SCI一区, IF: 4.8, 通讯作者)
6. Y.L. Zhao *, W.X. He, Y. Yang, H. Liu, Q.Y. Wei, Z.Z. Sun, W.W. Zhang, Effect of ultrasonic treatment and squeeze casting on the microstructural refinement of Al-Cu-Mn alloys, Inter. J. Metalcast. 18 (2024) 869–881, (SCI二区, IF: 2.6)
7. Y.H. Cai, D.F. Song, Y.L. Zhao*, D.Y. Yang, D.T. Zhang, W.W. Zhang *, Effects of Fe content on the 3D morphology of Fe-rich phases and mechanical properties of cast Al-Mg-Si alloy J. Alloy. Compd. 990 (2024) 174501. (SCI二区TOP, IF: 6.2, 通讯作者)
8. B. Lin *, X.X. He, S.C. Xia, H.Q. Xiao, Y.L. Zhao*, K. Khanlari, Evolution of Mn-rich phases and their contribution to mechanical properties of Al-12Si-4Cu-1Ni-1Mg-2Mn piston alloys under ultrasonic and mechanical vibration treatments, T. Nonferr. Metal. Soc., 34 (2024) 2393−2414 (SCI一区, IF: 4.1, 通讯作者)
9. Y.L. Zhao *, D.F. Song, S.C. Wu*, S.F. Xie, H.L. Wang, M.M. Wang, W.W. Zhang, Z.Z. Sun, Y.B. Ke, S.F. Wang, W.X. Huang, R. Fernández*, Influence of Fe-rich phases and precipitates on the mechanical behaviour of Al-Cu-Mn-Fe-Sc-Zr alloys, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 158 (2023) 226-241. (SCI一区, IF: 10.9)
10. Y.L. Zhao *, W.X. He, D.F. Song, W.W. Zhang, F.H. Shen, B.S. Ma, Y.W. Jia, Z.Z. Sun, Y.N. Fu, R. Fernández*, In-situ synchrotron X-ray radiography study of primary Fe-rich phases growth in Al-Fe(–Cu) alloys, Mater. Character. 195 (2023) 112539. (SCI一区, IF: 4.7)
11. W.X. He, Y.L. Zhao *, Q.Y. Wei, H. Liu, D.F. Song, F.H. Shen, Z.Z. Sun, R.X. Li, Effect of ultrasonic melt processing and cooling rate on microstructure evolution of Al–Cu–Mn–Mg–Fe–Si alloy, J. Mater. Res. Technol., 27 (2023) 3655-3669. (SCI一区, IF: 6.4,通讯作者)
12. D.F. Song, Y.L. Zhao *, Y.W. Jia, G.Y. Huang, Z.B. Zhang, N. Zhou, X.T. Li, K.H. Zheng, Y.N. Fu, W.W. Zhang*, Effect of B addition on the formation of Fe-rich phases in Al-Si-Fe alloys, J. Alloy. Compd. 930 (2023) 167426. (SCI一区, IF: 6.2,通讯作者)
13. D.F. Song, Y.L. Zhao *, Y.W. Jia, X.T. Li, Y.N. Fu, W.W. Zhang*, Synergistic effects of Mn and B on Iron-rich intermetallic modification of recycled Al alloy, J. Mater. Res. Technol., 2023, 24: 527-541. (SCI一区, IF: 6.4,通讯作者)
14. Y.L. Zhao*, W.X. He, D.F. Song*, F.H. Shen, X.X. Li, Z.Z Sun, Y. Wang, S.H. Liu, Y. Du, R. Fernández, Effect of ultrasonic melt processing and Al-Ti-B on the microstructural refinement of recycled Al alloys, Ultrason. Sonochem. 89 (2022) 106139. (SCI一区, IF: 9.336)
15. Y.L. Zhao*, D.F. Song, H.L. Wang, Y.W. Jia, B. Lin, Y. Tang, Y. Tang, D. Shu, Z.Z. Sun, Y.N. Fu, W.W. Zhang, Revealing the influence of Fe on Fe-rich phases formation and mechanical properties of cast Al-Mg-Mn-Fe alloys, J. Alloy. Compd. 901 (2022) 163666. (SCI二区, IF: 6.371)
16. Y.L. Zhao*, D.F. Song, H.L. Wang, X.X. Li, L.J. Chen, Z.Z. Sun, Z. Wang, T.G. Zhai, Y.N. Fu, Y. Wang, S.H. Liu, Y. Du, W.W. Zhang, Revealing the nucleation and growth mechanisms of Fe-rich phases in Al–Cu–Fe(-Si) alloys under the influence of Al–Ti–B, Intermetallics 146 (2022) 107584. (SCI二区, IF: 4.075)
17. D.F. Song, Y.L. Zhao*, Zhang W W, et al. Study of the evolution mechanisms of Fe-rich phases in Al-Si-Fe alloys with Mn modification using synchrotron X-ray imaging, J. Alloy. Compd. 915(2022) 165378. (SCI二区, IF: 6.371,通讯作者).
18. X. Luo*, M.Y. Li, J. Ren, Y.L. Zhao*, M. Wu, B.S. Huang, Deformation micromechanism and constitutive analysis behind the semisolid powder compression, JOM, 74 (2022) 899-908. (SCI三区, IF: 2.6,通讯作者).
19. Y.L. Zhao, W.W. Zhang, D.F. Song, B. Lin, F.H. Shen, D.H. Zheng, C.X. Xie, Z.Z. Sun, Y.N. Fu, R.X. Li, Nucleation and growth of Fe-rich phases in Al-5Ti-1B modified Al-Fe alloys investigated using synchrotron X-ray imaging and electron microscopy, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2021, 80, 84–99. (SCI一区, IF: 6.155)
20. B. Lin, T. Fan, H.Y. Li, Y.L. Zhao*, W.W. Zhang, K. Liu, High temperature tensile properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mn-Fe alloys prepared by semi-solid thixoforming, T. Nonferr. Metal. Soc., 2021, 31: 2232-2249. (SCI二区,IF: 3.75,通讯作者)
21. Y.L. Zhao, W.W. Zhang, B. Koe, W.J. Du, M.M. Wang, W.L. Wang, E. Boller, A. Rack, Z.Z. Sun, D. Shu, B.D. Sun, J.W. Mi, Multiscale characterization of the nucleation and 3D structure of Al3Sc phases using electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray tomography, Materials Characterization, 2020, 164, 110353. (SCI一区, IF: 3.562)
22. Y.L. Zhao, Z. Wang, C. Zhang, W.W. Zhang, Synchrotron X-ray tomography investigation of 3D morphologies of intermetallic phases and pores and their effect on the mechanical properties of cast Al-Cu alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777: 1054-1065. (SCI二区TOP, IF: 3.799)
23. Y.L. Zhao, D.F. Song, B. Lin, C. Zhang, D.H. Zheng, S. Inguva, T. Li, Z.Z. Sun, Z. Wang, W.W. Zhang, 3D characterization of ultrasonic melt processing on the microstructural refinement of Al-Cu alloys using synchrotron X-ray tomography, Materials Characterization, 2019, 153: 354-365. (SCI二区, IF: 3.22)
24. Y.L. Zhao, B. Lin, D.F. Song, D.H. Zheng, Z.Z. Sun, C.X. Xie, W.W. Zhang, Effect of compound fields of ultrasonic vibration and applied pressure on the 3D microstructure and tensile properties of recycled Al-Cu-Mn-Fe-Si alloys, Materials, 2019, 12: 3904. (SCI三区, IF: 2.972)
授权国家发明 专利
[1] 赵愈亮, 林朋, 宋东福, 贾义旺, 叶猛, 刘秋霞, 赖沛基, 一种耐热再生压铸铝合金及其制备方法, 发明专利, 中国, ZL202010876291.6 (授权)
[2] 赵愈亮, 宋东福, 乡家发, 卢剑玉, 贾义旺, 孙振忠, 黄石平, 一种Al-Ti-C-N纳米晶的制备方法及在铝合金中的应用,发明专利, 中国, ZL 202210404249.3 (授权)