办公室电话 Office Phone:
E-mail: talkingbird@dgut.edu.cn
教育背景/经历 Education
2013.09-2017.07 中南大学 机械工程 博士生
2011.09-2013.07 中南大学 机械工程 硕士生
2007.09-2011.07 中南大学 机械工设计制造及其自动化 本科生
工作经历 Work Experience
2017.06-至今 东莞理工学院 BETVTOR伟德官网 特聘副教授
2019.04-2020.08 日本东北大学 大学院工学研究科 博士后
科研情况 Scientific
出版物 Publications
1. Yan-Xing Liu, Zhi-Jiang Ke, Run-Hua Li,Effects of sudden changes in strain rate on hot deformation behavior of Inconel 718,Materials Today Communications,34,2023,105295.
2. Yan-Xing Liu, Zhi-Jiang Ke, Run-Hua Li, Study of Grain Growth in a Ni-Based Superalloy by Experiments and Cellular Automaton Model. Materials 2021, 14, 6922.
3. Liu Yan-Xing, Lin Y-C. 2D Cellular automaton simulation of hot deformation behavior in a Ni-based superalloy under varying thermal-mechanical conditions. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017. 691: 88-99.
4. Lin Y-C, Liu Yan-Xing. Study of static recrystallization behavior in hot deformed Ni-based superalloy using cellular automaton model. Materials & Design, 2016. 99: 107-114.
5. Liu Yan-Xing, Lin Y-C. Study of dynamic recrystallization in a Ni-based superalloy by experiments and cellular automaton model. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015. 626: 432-440.
6. Liu Yan-Xing, Ke Zhi-Jiang. Study of Grain Growth in a Ni-Based Superalloy by Experiments and Cellular Automaton Model. Materials,2021,14,6922.
7. Liu Yan-Xing, Lin Y-C. A yield stress model for a solution-treated Ni-based superalloy during plastic deformmation. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2018. 37: 9-10.