2015.09–2019.01 北京科技大学 博士
2013.09–2015.06 北京科技大学 硕士
2009.09–2013.06 北京科技大学 本科
1、Chenghao Song*, Haoliang Wang, Zhenzhong Sun, Juping Xu, Huaican Chen, Wen Yin. A new hot-rolled lightweight steel with ultra-high strength and good ductility designed by dislocation character and transformation strain. Scripta Materialia, 2022, 212: 114583.
2、Chenghao Song*, Haoliang Wang, Zhenzhong Sun, HaoYu. Analysis of precipitation characteristics of TiC at different quenching and partitioning temperatures and its effect on the mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 824: 141868.
3、Chenghao Song*, Haoliang Wang, Zhenzhong Sun, HaoYu. Interaction of austenite reversion with precipitation/dissolution during aging in a medium Mn steel alloyed with Cu, Ni and Al. Materials Characterization, 2021, 181: 111486.
4、Chenghao Song*, Haoliang Wang, Zhenzhong Sun, Zhengying Wei, Hao Yu,Haibin Chen, Yanlin Wang, Jun Lu. Effect of multiphase microstructure onfatigue crack propagation behavior in TRIP-assisted steels. InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 2020, 133: 105425.
5、Chenghao Song*,Haoliang Wang, Zhenzhong Sun, Zhengying Wei, Hao Yu,Haibin Chen, Yanlin Wang. Optimization of process parameters using theGrey-Taguchi method and experimental validation in TRIP-assisted steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 777: 139084.
6、Chenghao Song, Haoliang Wang, Zhenzhong Sun, Zhengying Wei, Hao Yu, Jun Lu. Micromechanical behavior of transformation-induced plasticity-assisted annealed martensitic steel using in situ neutron diffraction. Steel Research International, 2020, 91 (7): 1900631.
7、Chenghao Song, Hao Yu, Jun Lu, Tao Zhou. Modeling of Bainite Transformation During Partitioning Process and Atomic-Scale Characterization of Bainite. Steel Research International, 2019, 90 (5): 1800482.
8、Chenghao Song, Hao Yu*, Jun Lu, Tao Zhou, Shufeng Yang. Stresspartitioning among ferrite, martensite and retained austenite of aTRIP-assisted multiphase steel: An in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction study. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 726: 1–9.
9、Chenghao Song, Hao Yu*, Lili Li, Tao Zhou, Jun Lu, Xihui Liu. Thestability of retained austenite at different locations during straining ofI&Q&P steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 670: 326–334.
10Chenghao Song, Hao Yu*, Lili Li, Jun Lu. Effect of carbon at interfaceof austenite on manganese segregation of low carbon and manganese steel. Materials Letters, 2016, 174: 75–78.
11、Chenghao Song, Hao Yu*, Hailong Zhou, Tong Wang. Competitive mechanism between cementite and grain boundaries of arsenic segregation. Materials Letters, 2015, 138: 151–153.
1、宋成浩,孙振忠,王皓亮.一种具有纳米、分层和亚稳骨骼组织高强钢及其制备方法, 2021-7-9,中国, CN202010654144.4.
2、宋成浩,孙振忠,王皓亮.一种低错配度新型高强钢及其制备方法, 2021-7-9,中国, CN202010654129.X.
3、于浩,宋成浩,卢军,李莉莉.钒和钛复合添加的Q&P钢及其制造方法, 2017-03-08,中国, ZL201510482908.5.